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Writer's picture: Gracie ElizabethGracie Elizabeth

Each day I find myself on social media I feel my heart sink a little deeper, pound a little harder, and sadness press against my chest as it attempts to suffocate me. Moments later, I put my phone away and leave it on a charger far away to keep from feeling sick to my stomach.

Every day I see more and more Christians who seem to have decided that God makes mistakes and that His Word is not true. Some have decided to pick and choose what they want to believe—or not believe—from the Bible and prove how easy it is to justify sin in their lives or the lives of others.

I find myself asking, “How am I supposed to be a Hearth Guard, protect my children, and lay the foundation of Christ, while combating the lies of the culture that seem so true?”

And when I expose these lies, will my children believe me?

This question spurs a hundred more.

  • How do we love those we don’t agree with?

  • How do I respond to Christians who say, “Did God really say that?”

  • How do I train my children to use discernment?

This list of questions goes on, and with each one, the anxiety within my soul rises.

I did the only thing I can do when faced with more than I can handle. I brought my questions to the Lord. The next day, I found myself in Proverbs 3. I have pulled a few key verses to share with you.

“My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments, for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you. Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart… Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.”

The answer to all my questions is clear:

  • Do not forget the Lord’s teaching.

  • I must bind steadfast love and faithfulness around my neck and write His word on the tablet of my heart.

  • I must trust the Lord with everything within me.

I am writing this because I know I am not alone in my distress and want to encourage you as a sister in Christ who believes every single word of the Bible is true.

Recently, I revealed in a post that I had been unfollowed by someone for “not supporting women” and laid out exactly what people should expect if they follow my blog and social media. The response I got from this single post was 100x more than I expected. I have never gotten so many new followers or had so many people reach out to me in one day.

From this event, I realized how many Christians are craving truthtellers. How many Christians feel there is something wrong with the agendas and messages thrown in their faces, but are struggling to find the true answers to their questions. Furthermore, when their children have questions, they feel ill-equipped to answer.

Here is the basic and essential truth: Jesus welcomes each of us, all sinners, into his loving and redemptive arms. However, he does not leave us in our sin.

He asks us to deny ourselves and submit to him.

When Jesus met the woman at the well, he was clear when he said her sin is not life giving. It would bring death. For nothing on earth lasts forever. Yet, he brought her good and redemptive news: If she drinks from His living water, she will have life. (John 4)

Let me translate this into modern day examples:

  • Living “my truth” will lead to death.

  • Living against clear laws of God will lead to death.

  • Living for our own happiness and for our “true self” will lead to death.

You are loved by Christ; therefore, he offers forgiveness and at the same time calls us to turn away from our sin.

Jesus loves the sinner, every single one of us, but He does not tolerate sin. He doesn’t want to leave us with death.

Dear Mamas,

  1. We must declare truth to ourselves and our families.

  2. God is good, and every word of the Bible is true.

  3. God loves you, and he calls you to live in pursuit of holiness.

  4. Wisdom and discernment come from God, and God alone.

  5. Christ is where our identity lies—not in our husbands, kids, gender, color, or anything else that is not God.

When a child brings hard questions to you, point them to the Bible. Study the Bible apart from them, and with them. Introduce them to prayer and pray God will give you the answers.

Teach yourself and your family this: Anyone who adds to scripture is not speaking truth. Furthermore, don’t ever allow someone to manipulate God's truth by asking, “Did God really say…?”

Our hearts are deceitful, our passions distract us, and Satan twists the truth and foundations that ground us.

Mamas, stand firm in Christ. For he is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. (Hebrews 13:8) His foundation is strong and everlasting. His words are true. He is our savior and our redeemer.

Our “true” sinful selves will lead us and our children to death.

Yet, Christ offers abundant life.

Therefore, from now on, when I find myself on social media with my heart sinking, I will pray. When my heart pounds, I will repeat the words of Joshua 1:9.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

When sadness threatens to suffocate me, I will turn my tear-filled eyes to God’s Word. I will be comforted to know there is hope in the midst of the horrors of this world.

I will put my phone away and make a dinner for my family. I will serve their hungry tummies, look into their eyes, and I will say how honored I am to be given the privilege of introducing them to the Lord who gave them life.

I won‘t be perfect.

I won't always be able to protect them.

I won’t always have the answers.

But, as a Hearth Guard and a missionary in my home, I know the Lord will help me, he will provide exactly what I need, He will give strength in my weakness, and he will do the same for you.

Stay strong in the Lord fellow Hearth Guards.


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